Food Packaging Paper
Food containers such as trays, boxes, cups, etc. Thai KK Co., Ltd. cooperated with PTT in developing products for biodegradable food packaging since 2011 and has sold paper products. Minette Biodegradable to our customers.
Coated Paper For Cups And Bowls
High quality products for printing, waterproofing, forming. Our products are coated with LDPE and PBS (Polybutylene Succinate - Biodegradable) which our food and beverage container paper can touch food. directly And also passed both FDA and EU standards 10 /2011 .In addition, our papers are qualified. in printing, waterproofing and forming efficiency.

We have both coated on one side and coated on both sides. Suitable for forming a container for food and beverages, both hot and cold, such as cold coffee cups, ice cream cups, hot coffee cups, noodle bowls, popcorn cups, etc.
- PE coating
- Bio-coated (naturally biodegradable)
- Coated with Emulsion Coating (Biodegradable)
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Coated Paper For Food Box
High quality products for printing, waterproofing, forming. Our products are coated with LDPE and PBS (Polybutylene). Succinate-which can biodegradable) that our paper for food and beverage containers It can be in direct contact with food and has passed both FDA and EU standards 10 /2011 . In addition, our paper has the properties of printing, waterproofing and forming efficiency.

We have both one side coated and two side coated. Suitable for forming Containers for both hot and cold food such as hamburgers, fries, pizza, sandwiches, noodles, etc.
- Coated with PE
- Coated with Bio
- PBS (Biodegradable)
- Coated with Emulsion Coating (naturally biodegradable)
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Coated Paper For Food Wrapping/Sachets
Our wrapping paper is made from food grade material and has a very smooth surface with PE inner coating. Our food wrap paper is coated with LDPE which has passed both FDA and EU10/2011 standards, can be printed and waterproofed. It is made of food grade paper which has a very smooth surface.

Inner coated with PE, can be used in a variety of applications such as wrapping paper, donuts, hamburgers, hot dogs, bread, etc.
- PE coating
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